Aulia Allah Mazars Gallery
Allah parhion haafiz hoion, Na giaa hijaabon pardaa hoo
Parhh Parhh aalim faazil hoion, Taalib hoion zar daa hoo
Lakh bazaar kitaabaan parhiaan, Zaalim nafs na mardaa hoo
Baajh faqeeraan kise na mareya, Eho chor andar daa hoo
English translation of Kalam-e-Bahu
You have read the name of God over and over, You have stored the holy Qur'an in your memory,
But this has still not unveiled the hidden
Instead, your learning and scholarship Have sharpened your greed for worldly things,
None of the countless books you've read in your life Has destroyed your brutal ego.
Indeed, none but the Saints can kill this inner thief, For it ravages the very house in
which it lives.