Consensus of Muslim scholars and Ummah
Imam al Qadhi Iyaadh (rah) the author of magnificent Seerah work i.e. Ash-Shifa, he writes:
We declare that person as Kafir who considers someone along with you or after you as a Prophet, just like this we also declare him Kafir who claims that “Revelation (Wahi)” is sent to him even if he does not claim propethood, Thus all such people are “DISBELIEVERS” because they do Takdhib of Prophet (i.e. call him liar – Naudhobillah). The Prophet (Peace Be Upon hIm) has informed us that he is “KHATAM AN NABIYEEN” and “NO PROPHET WILL COME AFTER HIM” and that “HE HAS BEEN SENT TO ALL PEOPLE” The ummah is unanimous that this Kalaam is to be taken on its apparent and there is no room for any Tawil, or Takhsis and the Kufr of such people is Qat’i (i.e. Definite) Ijmai (i.e. unanimously agreed) [Ash Shifa, Page No. 237-238]
The great Hanafi Imams, Allama Khafaji (rah) and Mullah Ali Qari (rah) have also endorced this strongly in Naseem ur Riyaaz, Volume No. 6, Page No. 355-256, Sharh ash-Shifa Volume No. 2, Page No. 515-516]
Imam Ghazzali (Rahimuhullah), The Hujjat ul Islam (i.e. Proof of Islam), he said:
We have known through “Consensus” that La Nabi B’adi (There is no Prophet after me) proves that the door to Prophethood has been permanently closed after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the word “Khatam an Nabiyeen” also includes “MUTLAQ ANBIYA (all anbiya)” We (Muslims and their scholars) are thus certain that there is no room for any kind of Tawil (interpolation/interpretation) or Takhsis (to make specific such as nabi could come in this form or that form – Naudhobillah) . Whosoever does Tawil in this hadith then he is Munkir of Consensus [Al Itisaad fil Itiqaad, Page No. 163]
Imam Ibn Qudama al Maqdisi the great Hanbli Imam, said:
Whosoever claims Prophethood or one who accepts his claim then (both) become “APOSTATES” because when Musaylma Kaddhab claimed to be Prophet and his people testified to it then all of them became apostates along with him [Al Mugni, Volume No. 9, Page No. 33, Publsihed Dr al Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon]
The Constitution Law of Pakistan states
Misuse of epithet, descriptions and titles, etc. Reserved for certain holy personages or places.
Any person of the Qadiani group or Lahore group, (who call themselves Ahmadis or by any other names), who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, refers to the mode or from of call to prayers followed by his faith as "Azan" or redites Azan as used by the Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
Persons of Qadiani group, etc, calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith. Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves Ahmadis or any other name), who directly or indirectly, posses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
The False Prophet
In the last century, a person by name Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyanai declared himself to be a Mahdi and started misleading the Muslim by his false claims. Later on he went few steps ahead, and declared himself as a Prophet and as well as Isa ibn Maryam, rather claimed that he was all Prophets (Naudhobillah). Now let us see the reality of this Dajjal and his falsehood
Mirza claiming to be a Prophet
1. In the Word of God I have been named Muhammad and a Messenger. (Qadiyani's own book: Roohani Khazain 18/207)
2. Mirza said: "I am Maseeh-e-Zamaan (Jesus), I am the Kaleem-e-Khuda (Moses) I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad Mujtaba." (Qadiyani's own book: Tiryaq-ul-Quloob P.3 Roohani Khazain Vol.15 P.134)
AstaghfirUllah, the editor of this article (Aamir Ibrahim) wants to clarify that such disgusting statements are only shown in refutation of Qadiyani filth, otherwise we consider such statements to be disrespectful to mention without such a cause.
Mirza Declares himself as "ALL" Prophets
1. “No Prophet has come in the world whose name has not been ascribed to me. Thus as God mentions in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Jacob, I am Ishmael, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus son of Mary, I am Muhammad, that is as burooz. As God has attributed all these names to me, and said regarding me ‘Jaree Allah fee Hill AlAnbiya’ that is prophet of God in the outfit of prophets. Thus it was necessary that the magnificence of each Prophet is present in me and one attribute of each Prophet is revealed through me.” (Tatumma Haqeeqatul Wahi P.84, 85 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.521)
2. "God has designated me as a manifestation of all prophets and has ascribed the names of all prophets to me. I am Adam, I am Seth, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Ishmael, I am Jacob, I am Joseph, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus and I am the perfect manifestation of the name of Holy Prophet, that is as zill I am Muhammad and Ahmad.” (Footnote, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.72 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.76)
3. "I am sometimes Adam, sometimes Moses, sometimes Jacob,Moreover I am Abraham, my generations are countless." (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Part 5, Durre-Sameen P.100 Roohani Vol.21 P.133)
4. "In this era God wanted that the virtues of all those Truthful Honorable Prophets who have passed, should appear in the person of one man, so that is me." (Braheen-e-Ahmadityya part 5 P.90 Roohani Khazain Vol.21 P.117-118)
5. In his book Tiryaq-ul-Quloob Mirza writes: "I am Maseeh-e-Zamaan (Jesus), I am the Kaleem-e-Khuda (Moses) I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad Mujtaba." (Tiryaq-ul-Quloob P.3 Roohani Khazain Vol.15 P.134)
Mirza in his ignorance declares himself as "KAFIR"
Mirza Qadiyani said
1. I consider the claimant of Nabuwat and Risalat as liar and Kafir after Khatam al Mursaleen Sayyidna wa Mawlana Hazrat Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam). I am certain that revelation of Risalat started from Adam (a.s) and “ENDED” with Janab Rasul Ullah Muhammad Mustafa (salallaho alaihi wasalam)[Majmua Ishtiharat, Volume No. 1, Page No. 230]
2. In Quran Shareef there is no mention of Masih Ibn Maryam coming again, however Khatam e Nabuwat is perfectly mentioned, to differentiate between old and new Prophets is a trick, this differentiation is not found in either Hadith nor Quran, the hadith “La Nabi Badi” is also “GENERAL REJECTION” therefore how daring and disrespectful it would be to follow lowly thoughts and leave aside the “DEFINITE PROOF” in Quran and to believe that after Khatam al Anbiya a nabi can come, also to re-start the sislsila of Wahi after it had been stopped because whosoever has quality of Nabuwat then his Wahi is without any doubt a Wahi of Nabuwat [Mirza Qadiyani in Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 14, Pages 392-393]
3. It is not the quality of Allah that He sends a nabi after “Khatam an Nabiyeen” nor is it His quality to start the chain of Propethood again when he had “ALREADY BROUGHT AN END TO IT” and to increase in Ahkaam of Quran by abrogating few of them [Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 5, Page No. 377]
4. I believe that our Nabi Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is Khatram al Anbiya, and our book Quran is the means to guidance, I also believe that our Rusul is leader of Messengers and children of Adam, AND ALLAH HAS BROUGHT END TO PROPHETS THROUGH YOU [Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 5, Page No. 21]
Mirza claiming to be Promised Messiah
1. "I proclaim that I am the Promised Messiah about whom every God's book has prophesized that he will appear in the Last Days."(Tohfa-e-Golravia, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.295)
2. "I swear upon that God, who has sent me and fabricating on Him is the work of accursed one, He has sent me as Promised Messiah." (Majmoo'a-e-Ishtiharaat vol. 3 p.435)
3. "I swear upon the Being in whose hands is my life if Maseeh Ibne Maryam had been in my age, the task that I can perform he would never have been able to do and the signs that are being exhibited by me, he would have never displayed them." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.45, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.47)
Mirza going through Menses and having a child inside him which is like Child of Allah (One of his most absurd and vulgar imaginations through which he tried to claim himself as Isa Ibn Maryam.)
4. Mirza said : Babu Ilahi Bukhsh wants to see "YOUR MENSTRUATION" or get information on some "FILTH AND IMPURITY" but God will show you his rewards, which will continue,and in you there is no menstruation but "THAT CHILD IS DEVELOPING", such a child who is like the "CHILD OF ALLAH" (Tatumma Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p.581)
5. Baboo Elahi Bakhsh wants to see my menstruation but Allah says you have no menstruation. There is that baby in you. (Annexure to Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, pg 581)That baby refers to Jesus Christ]
6. The insults go on: The spirit of Jesus was infused in me like it was infused in Mary and allegorically I was rendered pregnant. Not more than ten months had passed when I was made Jesus from Mary. That is how I became Jesus, son of Mary.(Kashti-Nooh pg 47)
7. "God who is the Lord of Earth and Heaven, He has revealed to me, not once but told me several times that I am Krishna for Hindus, and Promised Messiah for Muslims and Christians." (Lecture Sialkot, Roohani Khazain vol.20 p. 228)
Dajjal receiving Inspiraton
1. "God has revealed to me in his special inspiration that Maseeh Ibne Maryam is dead." (Tauzeeh-e-Maram, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p.402)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: A person called Javed Ahmed Ghamdi also has a similar belief. Beware O Muslims and never think of Ghamdi to be a sound scholar. Only turn towards Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah.
2. "I have been informed about the grave of Eisa (in Kashmir). And I have been informed by Holy Quran and God's Revelation to me about the Death of Jesus." (Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.358, 361)
3. "I am just like Quran and soon it will be exhibited on my hands, what has been exhibited by Quran." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.119)
4. "These conversations that I have with God, by God I consider it free from mistake. It is my faith that as Quran my WAHI (revelation) is free from all mistakes. That faith which Hazrat Eisa had on the word which descended on him, that faith which Hazrat Musa had on Torah, that faith which The Leader of Prophets Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa SAAW had on Holy Quran, same faith I have on my WAHI and in this belief I am not less than any Prophet. He who lies is the accursed one." (Durre Sameen P.163, Roohani Khazain Vol.18 P.477-478)
5. "Wa maa arsalnaaka illa Rehmat al lil Alameen" Translation: O Mirza! We have sent you to make you Mercy for all the worlds.(Anjam-e-Atham P.78, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.78)
Note by Aamir Ibrahim: Deobandi big authority Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi has also falsely said in his Fatawa Rashidyah that Rehmat al lil Aalmeen is not exclusive trait of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) .. AstaghfirUllah. So Beware O Muslims from deobandi cult as well and only turn towards Ahlus Sunnah wa'l Jamm'ah.
6. " 'Daiyan ila Allahe' and 'Sirajum Muneer' two names and two titles were especially given to Holy Prophet SAAW in Holy Quran and then the same two titles were given to me in inspiration." (Arba'een No.2 P.5, Roohani Khazain Vol.17 P.350)
7. "In this place the word 'Soor' is indicative of Promised Messiah." (Chashma-e-Maarifat P.76, Roohani Khazain Vol.23 P.85)
8. "I am Krishna for Hindus." (Lecture Sialkot P.33)
9. "Hay Krishan Ji Roodur Gopal." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)
10. "It is no good to fight the Brahmin Autar (i.e. Mirza)." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.116)
11. "King of Aryans." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)
12. "Amin ul Mulk Jai Singh Bahadur." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.118)
13. "My step is on that minaret where all heights have ended." (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah P.35)
14. "Many thrones descended from heavens but your throne was laid down at the highest point." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)
15. "God has given me that thing which he had not given to anyone in the world." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.107, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.110)
16. Mirza describes his inspiration:
"YaHmadokAllah min Arshehee, YaHmadokAllah wa Yamshee ilaik - God is praising you from his throne, God is praising you and is coming towards you." (Anjam-e-Atham P.55, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.55
17. Mirza says that God addressed him in following words:
"Antaa Ismee al'Aalaa - (O Mirza) You are my biggest name." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.116)
18. Mirza said: Enemies wish for my death and prophecise about it. God has, however, given me the good news that"I SHALL LIVE FOR EIGHTY (80) YEARS OR MORE" [Roohani Khazain, Vol. 19, P. 239; Mawahib-ur-Rahman, P. 21][But Mirza died in 1908 when he would be 68-73]
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Mirza Khabeeth died before the age of 80. He was born on 13th February 1835 and died on 26th May 1908 CE. Allah struck him with lightening and made Mirza struck by his own so called prophecy.
19. "The Almighty revealed to me that whoever did not accept me was not a Muslim." (Akhbar Al-Fazl, Qadian, 15 January 1935)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Qadiyanis often try to deceive young Muslims by saying that they consider other Muslims to be Muslims. So Beware!
20. Look, from the order of God, "EVERY MOMENT BILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS DIE ON THE FACE OF EARTH AND BILLIONS TAKE BIRTH" with his intention” [Kashti-e-Nooh Page 37 Roohani Khazain Volume No. 19 Page 41]
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: It was and still is scientifically impossible for "BILLIONS TO DIE EVERYDAY" and "BILLIONS TO TAKE BIRTH" So this lunatic Mirza was just firing arrows in the air.
21. "Antaa minnee ba manzilat waladee - You are from me like my son" (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.86, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.89)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Mirza did Shirk over here.
22. "Anta minnee ba manzila awlaadee - you are from me like my sons." (Al-Bushra Vol.2 P.65)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Now it is confirmed that he was a Christian and British agent who tried to distort the Islamic teachings.
Blasphemy against Imam Hussain(R.A)
1. Mirza writes with great pride:"O Shia nation! Don't insist that (Syedna Imam) Hussein is your savior because I tell you truthfully that today there is one among you who is greater than Hussein." (Dafe alBala P.13, Roohani Khazain Vol.18 P.233)
2. He expresses his glory: "I am touring Karbala every moment 100 Husseins are always in my pocket." (Durre Sameen Persian P.136)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said in an authentic hadith: Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.. [Sunnan Tirmidhi, Hadith # 4144] So this will be counted as direct disrespect of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) not only of Imam Hussain (RA).
3. Mirza writes in his book, Aijaz-e-Ahmadi: "There is great difference between me and your Hussein, Because I am getting every moment help from God But Hussein? Just recall the plains of Karbala Till now you are crying, so just ponder!" (Aijaz-e-Ahmadi, Roohani Khazain Vol.19 P.181)
Mirza Kadhaab even claims to be Hajr al-Aswad (the Black Stone of Ka'aba)
1. Mirza writes: "When one man kissed my feet, I said that I am Hajr-e-Aswad (the Black Stone of Ka'aba)." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.48)
2. He writes:"Zameen-e-Qadian ab Mohtram hay # hujoom-e-Khalq say ardh-e-Haram hay
Translation: The land of Qadian is now a Holy Land With flocking of people it has become the Land of Haram (Makkah)" (Durre Sameen, Urdu P.52)
The False Dreams and Claiming to be a god
1. Mirza Qadiyani (Lanat Ullah) said: I (Mirza Qadiyani) dreamt that I myself am God and I believed in this that I am (God).(Roohani Khazain v.5 P.564)
Imam Ibn Sireen (rah) said: If someone sees picture, or sees God as "His own misl" then the seer of such a dream is "GREAT LIAR, ONE WHO ATTRIBUTES FALSEHOOD TO ALLAH AND IS MUBTADI" [Imam Ibn Sireen, Tabeer ar-Rouya, Page No. 16, under the chapter of Tawilir Rouya Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'la]
2. Mirza said: I saw in one of my "Kashf (inspiration not dream) that I am myself God and I believe that I am Him (i.e. God) [Roohani Khazain, Volume No. 13, Page No. 103]
3. He also said: "God entered my body ... and in this condition I was saying that WE WANT A NEW SYSTEM AND NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH. Thus initially I created Heaven and Earth [Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol. 13 p. 104-105]
4. "I saw in my dream that I am in the Court of God waiting for my case, then I hear: O Mirza! Be patient, We will soon be free. Then once I saw that I went into the court, God is sitting on the chair in the form of a Ruler and on one side there is a clerk who is presenting him with some documents. Ruler picked up the document and said: Is Mirza present? Then I saw closely that beside him there is a vacant chair and He asked me to sit on it and He has the documents in his hands. Then I woke up." (Al Badr Vol.2 No.6 1903; Mukashifaat P.28-29)
5. "I saw in my dream that I am exactly God and I believed that I am God, neither my intention remained nor any danger ...... in this capacity (when I was God) I said: We want a new system, new heavens, new earth. Thus I initially created heaven and earth in a condensed form in which there was neither any differentiation nor any arrangement. Then I separated them and arranged them ... and at that moment I found myself capable of doing that. Then I created the first sky and said: 'Inna zaiyanna assamaa addunya be masaabeeha' (We have adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps 67.5). Then I said: We will create human with a potion of clay. Thus I made Adam and I created Adam on the best shape and in this manner I became KHALIQ - Creator." (Aina-e-Kamalaat-e-Islam P.564-565; Roohani Khazain Vol.5 Pp.564-565)
6. "I had been given the quality of annihilating and giving life." (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah P.23; Roohani Khazain Vol.16 P.23)
7. At another place, he mentions his inspiration: "(O Mirza!) Verily! It is your order. When you want something, you say: Be, and it happens." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.94)
Mirza had promised to write 50 volumes of book, but when he failed to write fifty and was able to write only 5, he practised this following deceit to fool people
He claims that there is No Difference between 50 and 5
1. Mirza said: “First I intended to write ”FIFTY VOLUMES” and as there is difference of ”JUST A ZERO IN FIFTY AND FIVE” So I have have fulfilled my promise (by writing 5 instead of 50) “(Braheen-e-Ahmedia) V.5. P. 7, Roohani Khazain V.21 P.9)
2. Mirza raised funds on the commitment that he would write a huge book in 50 volumes. However, he stopped the work when only 5 small volumes had been written. When asked about the discrepancy, he reasoned that “There is a difference of only a zero between 5 and 50!” (Preface to Barahin-e-Ahmadiya 5/7)
Mirza calling himself Absurd
Mirza said: "This is an absolutely rubbish (Behuda/Absurd) and illogical thing that the "ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF A PERSON IS DIFFERENT AND THE REVELATION IS SENT IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGE" which he can even not understand, because in this there is too much difficulty. And what is the use of such a revelation which is beyond human understanding" (Chashma-e-Ma'arifat p.209, Roohani Khazain vol.23 p.218)
Let us now see the languages in which Mirza recieved inspiration, quite an opposite statement.
Mirza said: "This is most amazing that certain revelations are sent to me in those languages ABOUT WHICH I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE" like English, Sanskrit or "Hebrew" etc…" (Nuzool-e-Maseeh p.57, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.435)
Death of Kadhaab
Qadiyani's claim that, Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani recited Kalima or the name of Allah name during his dying moment. Let us see hear this from the people who were beside his bed, during the last hour
Mir Nasir Nawab, father-in-law of Mirza Ghulam was at his bedside. Mir Nasir in his biography, Hayat-e-Nasir, wrote:
1. "When I reached Hazrat Saheb and saw his condition, then he addressed me and said: MIR SAHEB. I HAVE DEVELOPED EPIDEMIC CHOLERA'. I think After that He (MIRZA) did not say anything clear till he died next day at 10 am." (Hayat-e-Nasir, p.14)
2. "Huzoor could not talk two hours before death. Dr Mirza Yaqoob Baig and Dr Syed Mohammed Hussein Shah were the treating physician. Huzoor asked for paper and wrote on it: I have too much dryness. I can't talk." and some other words he scribbled which could not be read." (Statement of 'SAHABI' of Mirza Ghulam Mohammed Sadiq Qadiani, Akhbar alFazl Qadian, vol.25 No.274, dated 24th November 1937)
It is clear from the above statements that, Mirza didn't repent from his fabrications/lies and also didn't utter Kalima.
Miscellaneous Statements
1. Allah prays, fasts, awakens, and sleeps (Al-Bushra 2/79)
2. The Promised Messiah(i.e Mirza) had a sweet tooth. He kept lumps of ‘gur’ (coarse sugar) in his pocket while carrying pebbles of mud in the same pocket to dry his urine. (Merajuddin Umar Qadiani, Annexure to Braheen-e-Ahmadiya 1/67)
3. Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud, son of Mirza Ghulam writes in "Seerat-ul-Mahdi" Vol. 2, that the Promised Messiah was suffering from hysteria and "Miraq” (Mental derangement, Melancholy, Mania-depression).
4. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed wrote that once he put some matter in writing and placed before the Almighty for His signature. God signed it without hesitation 'with blackness’ in red ink… the Almighty shook his pen and drops of ink fell on my ‘kurta’ (tunic). (Tiriaq-ul-Qulub pg 33)
5. Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud, the son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, who became the second "caliph", writes in Al-Fazl on 5 January 1933:About the revelation to the false Messiah (Ghulam Ahmed) that he would die in either Makkah or Madina, we would say that both are the names of Qadian.
6. On 5 March 1905 I saw an angel. When asked, he said his name was Tichi Tichi! (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi pg 332)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: We should all laugh at the name "Tichi Tichi" I think Disney world got some ideas from Mirza Qadiyani.
7. ‘Aayil’ came to me. God gave Jibrael (Gabriel) the name of Aayil because he returns to me time and again. (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi pg 103) [Aayil from “aaya” is a derivative of “Coming” in Urdu]
8. Due to my teachings, hundreds of thousands of people have given up the filthy ideas of Jihad. (Sitara-e-Qaisariya pg 3)
Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Again a glaring proof that Mirza was an agent of British.
9. "The basis for our claims is not Hadith but Quran and that Wahi which comes to me. Yes, in support we also present those Hadith which are according to Quran and DO NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI. Rest of the Hadith, I THROW THEM AWAY LIKE A WASTE PAPER."(Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.140)
10. There is also a very disgusting statement of Mirza about blessed grave of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) which I being an editor did not consider appropriate to be put here in spite of the fact that it proves Mirza wrong. It is so disrespectful in regards to Prophet (Peace be upon him) that I am ashamed of even mentioning it. However In that quote Mirza tried to say that Prophet is dead which is also contrary to the mainstream belief of Ahlus Sunnah i.e. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is alive in his grave.
May Allah safeguard the Ummah from this worst Kafir cult and also from people who think like them due to so called modernism.
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